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February 20, 2008


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WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! So much goodness, so little time. :)


I can't tell you how excited I am!!!!


my first shopping experience was flawless...downloads were incredibly fast! so worth the wait!! congrats on a very successful opening...

Angie Rice

Wow - what a gorgeous store. Congrats to you all!

Karen aka lindse

The store looks amazing! ´But I can´t register..I keep getting a browser error when clicking register (https://www.wearestorytellers.net/boutique/register.php?xid=cb4785bf35e6146caac36226ad47d257). I get the same error when trying to click Reach Us..so could I ask one of the tech savy WAS girls to contact me when you have the time? :) Thanks!

Sandra A.

I have the same problems with the site. Can't register! And I want to order, have seen some great stuff!

Colleen Stearns

Wow! The store is AMAZING! There is just so much scrappy goodness inside. :) Loving it!

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