I'm 31 years old, married and the mom of a five year old little boy. I work outside the home as an Assitant Manager. My family and I live outside of Houston, Texas.
Q: How long have you been scrapping and how did you discover digi? I started digital scrapbooking in Jan 2006. I never was a paper scrapper. I stumbled upon digiscrapping while I was researching tutorials for my PSPX, which I got for the main purpose of editing my photos.
Q: Why do you scrap? Scrapping is mostly a creative outlet for me with the added bonus of being able to record the stories of my family's life. Gage is growing up so quick, and I hope when he gets older he will enjoy looking back on his childhood through my pages.
Q: What do you do while scrapping? My scrapping corner is off the kitchen so I mostly listen to background noise (i.e tv and xbox games) from the living room. I also listen a lot to yahoo radio late at night while I'm scrapping.
Q: What program to you use? Paint Shop Pro X. I've tried out a few other programs but I always come back to my faithful PSPX.
Q: How long does it take you to complete a layout? Some layouts seem to make themselves and I can get those done within an hour. Most, though, I spend several hours on and it's not unusual for me to step away and come back a couple of days later to move this and that til I love what I see.
Q: Once you’ve completed a layout, what do you do with it? I save two copies. A full size jpeg and also a smaller copy for the web. I upload to a few galleries and have recently started printing my layouts out as 12x12s. I've printed out several books but I've found that I love printing them out singly so that I can arrange them how I want in a scrapbook.
Q: What is your favorite digi item? As in one thing? haha. I have several things that I don't think I could live without. Wordart, brushes, and patterned paper top the list though.
Q: What is your process for completing a layout? I really don't have a process except that the photo always goes on the page first
Show us your favorite layout of YOURS at WST. well the gallery only goes back to August now, so since August this is my favorite:
Q:If you could change or eliminate one wedding tradition, what would it be?
I'm not a very traditional type person, but when I got married I wanted all the trappings of a traditional wedding. I really don't think I would change a thing, well except maybe some of the wording from the ceremony; I don't obey very well. haha
Q: What camera do you use? I have a Canon s5 is.
Q: Do you have any favorite post- processing tips or actions that you use?
Most of my photo editing is done using Virtual Photographer; I don't think I could live without the Hollywood (b/w) preset. I also love to use textures. I find a lot of great ones at Flickr but also love to use papers from different kits to achieve the look I want.
Q: What is the one item you own that you really should throw away, but probably never will? I'm a glorified pack rat so this is a hard one. The one my husband would want me to throw away is my old quilt. I slept with the poor thing for almost 12 years as a child and it's a raggedy mess. But, wow, I love it still and have it tucked away in my hope chest.
I just love this layout of Kelly's. She's fabulous at creating powerful layouts with a small photo, white space, and a few elements.
See more inspiring layouts from Kelly here.
Thanks for sharing Kelly! You have a beautiful style!
{storyteller} laura